Member-only story
Algorithms are Always Working to Predict your Soulmate
A story about an app that predicts your soulmate with 99.99% accuracy
“Ayahuasca is like strapping a Wile E. Coyote rocket to your back, covering your ears, and hoping for the best.”
A man lifts his head from a book, just having read this quote. He takes a deep, anxious breath. His legs ache and his skin itches from insect bites. The jungle makes a chorus of sound.
“Are you sure I’m ready for this?” He asks the native man who is meditating near him.
The man winks an eye open happily. “You’ve trekked a long way, my friend. That alone makes you ready. Nervous?”
“Yeah,” he says. He rubs the left side of his chest. “I’m feeling heart-attack-y.”
The peaceful man laughs. “That’s a good one. You are funny.”
“Honestly not trying to be,” says the aging millennial man. “I don’t know if I should do this.”
The peaceful man crawls closer to him. “Did I tell you that I was addicted to heroin before I came here?”
“You didn’t tell me, but I read about you online. That’s why I came here. Your story is an inspiration, man.”
“Everyone who comes here is looking for answers,” he says, putting a hand on his back. “What answer are you looking for?”