Member-only story
Cup Stacking to Save the World
A story based on this insane trailer
The convention hall smells like sweat, Cheetos, and hot plastic. Kids slap together pyramids of cups faster than the eye can perceive.
From the double front doors enters a booted foot. “I need the fastest stacker, stat!” shouts the unmistakable voice of Nic Cage. He limps heroically into the room, hair down to his shoulders and beard perfectly full. “The fate of the world depends on it…”
A room full of preteens stars back. There are a few moms, one with a family-sized bag of Lays.
“Am I being heard?” demands Cage. “Who is the fastest stacker among you!”
Rows of boys turn their heads toward a kid near the back corner. He has a hoodie pulled so that his eyes are in shadows.
Cage approaches. “Are you the fastest stacker?” he screams in a stage-whisper.
The kid does not speak, but if Cage hadn’t been looking closely, he might have thought that the cups in front of him just stacked themselves in the space of a heartbeat.
“That’s inhuman…” Cage says. “That should do…”
“Do what?” says the kid in broken English.
“Things should become clear very soon…” he turns to the door.